Value the process, not the outcome


Our latest conversation was prompted by a powerful reflection Krista shared with our community.

If you value growth, focus more on iteration and less on outcomes. Place more emphasis on learning and evolving versus simply achieving. You will be healthier, happier and so much more resilient.

It's very easy to get caught up in the end result of any experience. The things, the achievements, the accomplishments. It's polarized in media and culture, where we are seeing the outcomes from other people's lives. So naturally, we unconsciously place the value of any pursuit on the outcomes, without any inquisition whether those outcomes are actually what is desired in our own lives. We seek things rather than the process of continuous growth via those pursuits. The scope of our experiences can then become short sighted, focused solely on the quick hits, and solutions that provide unsustainable happiness and well-being.

But how can you start to shift your focus from the things you think you value, to what is truly valuable to you? In this episode we discuss some of our own experiences creating that shift, what it means to value growth vs. and outcome, the importance of having measures along the way, and so much more!

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Giving ourselves, our kids, and our society the permission to feel with Marc Brackett


Embracing the unknown and moving through it with confidence, joy and the right toolbox with Josie Schweitzer