The compulsion of doing


What is a compulsion or a compulsive behavior? By one definition it's an uncontrollable impulse to perform an act, often repetitively, as an unconscious mechanism to avoid unacceptable ideas and desires which, by themselves, arouse anxiety. Often we may think of a compulsion in extremes with the unfortunate disorders such as a compulsive gambling, the many forms of OCD, and more.

But what about "normal" things like checking email, creating and actioning an ever-growing to-do list, or even just the need to be doing something and avoiding stillness? In our own lives we experience and have to work through our "compulsion of doing". The urge to always be creating something, making something, or feeling the need for our daily efforts to be productive.

In this episode we talk through a current cycle of our self diagnosed compulsion of doing, the unconscious behavior of consuming more things to do, how our brains react when we are overdoing life, the power of the pause, how we recognize the onset of this behavior, strategies we use to remedy this very normal behavior, and much more!

Hopefully you can use this episode to reflect on your daily life, and take a powerful moment to intentionally pause.

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