How to reestablish your boundaries, create nourishing relationships, and why the quality of your life depends on it


Something magical happens in the presence of deeply nourishing relationships. Inversely, pain and drain can happen in the presence of toxic, non-reciprocal relationships. Don't be afraid to do a drives & drains audit on your relationships. Be intentional about who you spend time with, because the quality of your life depends on it.

We've all heard the statement, "You're the product of the five people you spend the most time with". Crazy enough, it's true. And for some reason, unlike that of fitness, nutrition, and mental health, our culture has yet to prop up "community" as a pillar of holistic well-being. Further (like most of the wildly important aspects of living) we aren't taught the skills and strategies in order to create healthy relationships from childhood and into adulthood. 

In this episode we dive into why community is in fact one of the main drivers for health and growth. We debunk outdated myths about making friends as you age. Share helpful strategies for how you can really invest in building lasting, symbiotic relationships that serve everyone. And the always challenging topic of setting clear and confident boundaries.



How this doctor is using cutting-edge technology and ancient practices to restore and revitalize our bodies and minds with Dr. Jeremy Stich


The path to becoming your own healer and experiencing thriving health with Bianca Abbott