Becoming energy conscious: How to transform and guide your life's energetic flow


Life is energy in motion. And your energy defines you. Everything you are, do and become in life depends on how you relate to and manage your own energy.

"What we have called matter is energy, whose vibration has been so lowered as to be perceptible to the senses. There is no matter. " - Albert Einstein

Energy consciousness helps us remember that we are all energy and everything is energy. Our thoughts, emotions, words, actions, experiences, behaviors, physical bodies, and all the surrounds us. It's energy. We cannot create or remove energy, but we can direct it and transform it. If we become aware and know how.

And in the the ever-changing reality we live in, where energy is constantly transforming all around us every day, we have to adapt to and work with that evolution both inside and outside of ourselves. So how can you start? 

With your attention, you can focus the energy. With your intention, you can form it and direct the flow.  The outcomes you desire are all found in these practices. In this episode we dive deep into some practical ways in which anyone can become more energy conscious through real-life examples and actions we've taken with the energy of our lives, and the outcomes we've seen come from honing these skills of guiding and transforming that energy.


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