Self-Excavation: The benefits and modalities available to remember and reawaken your truest self
There's often some confusion and mystery when we speak about the "true self". And rightfully so. What is it? Where is it? How do I discover my true self? All questions we've asked ourselves along the journey of life.
Collectively we've drifted away from our fundamental knowing of our truths as a species. Our cultures and constructs have created false versions of self that entangle us in stories and identities. Images of self formed for us by our families, friends, and culture. They are codified by the collective's ideas of success, sex, wealth, our occupation, the things we own, the things we wear and the amount of influence or power we wield. And reinforced by the mind. These external things, and our relationship with the ego, form the false self. They are external beliefs and identities that we put on like a coat. Many, many layers of coats.
So in a sense, our work is not adding anything new, but rather remembering what has been there all along. The self that never left us, but has been covered up by the layers of life. The deep work is taking those layers off, unzipping the coats one by one, and shedding the skins of assumption to begin living in harmony and alignment with your essence. That peaceful state of being where love guides all.
Our founders, Krista and Phil Franks, have spent the last decade doing deep work on themselves to better understand their truths, their purpose, and much, much more. In this episode they sit down to chat and reflect on some of the most important modalities (well-being practices), they've employed to do this instrumental work in their lives that has helped to manifest things such as Owl & Key! Some might surprise you with their simplicity, and others you may be intrigued to learn more. If that's the case, reach out and let us know, we would love to connect on this topic and beyond.