Using your energetic awareness and psychic abilities to navigate any life experience with Lisa Noland


Consider these questions. Have you ever walked into a room and suddenly felt a change of energy or the shifting vibe of the room? Maybe a wave of sadness, happiness, or tension in the air. Or maybe you have had an intuition or hunch about something and it came true? Have you ever watched a show or seen a medium or psychic in person and wondered how on Earth is that even possible? 

The reality is these energetic insights are real, and we all have access to them. Whether tuning into our own energy or using our empathic abilities to better understand others, we all have the ability to tap into the energetic level. And when we honor these inner knowings and bring these insights into everyday life, our experience transforms. 

Our guest today, Lisa Noland, shows us how. In this episode, Lisa gives us a deep dive into her life’s journey of finding her unique gifts and using her medium and physic abilities to help others on their own life paths. She talks about how we can set the intention for what energy we want to keep and what we can let go. She shares tips, tricks, and exercises to help change the energy in any room, and she talks us through how to tap into our own empathic energy, ultimately helping us to better connect with others. 

Lisa also shares her emotional story of going through breast cancer and a house fire all in the past year. While the year has been tough, she has an amazing attitude and outlook on life and shares a favorite philosophy of ours that she keeps top of mind - "how is this cancer happening FOR me, instead of to me?” Hearing her perspective on this is powerful. She guides us on how to seek the lesson in any situation to access our most rewarding learnings in life. 


Lisa is a Psychic Medium, Trance Channel, Certified Spiritual Advisor and Certified Master Teacher through the Lisa Williams International School of Spiritual Development.

Lisa has dedicated her life to her work with spirit and over the past 10 years has shared this gift with clients all over the world.  Whether she is providing help and healing messages to those grieving the loss of a loved one or guiding clients through difficult areas of life, her deep compassion and desire for helping others heal has a transformational affect and creates life changing experiences. 

As a Medium, Lisa connects you to loved ones who have crossed over and are now in spirit.

As a Psychic, Lisa provides life guidance around every day issues including, relationships, career, family and home, finances and health. 

As a Trance Channel, Lisa blends her energy with the Angelic and Universal realms and allows only the highest and greatest energies of these higher realms to come through.

Lisa is available for Private Readings (In person, via phone, FaceTime or Skype) and for Group Parties or Corporate events. 

Lisa also teaches Psychic Development and Mediumship classes to help others recognize their gifts and empower others to find their truth.




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