Summiting life's peaks by finding clarity with Andy Bailey
Most things in this life from personal growth, to building a healthy thriving business, to learning a new skill, you can almost always take those journeys back to the metaphor of the mountain. Hiking, and not leisurely strolls through the woods.(although there is amazing benefit to those too, ha!) but rather the boundary and limits pushing treks through nature's peaks that rise 14,000 feet or more and dwarf the ground below. To ascend these mammoths on earth, you need to develop a whole new relationship with the summit...the destination. In fact, it's not about the destination at all. And to survive then thrive on these many treks of life, you must be ultra present and tuned into each and every step along the way. That, my friends, is the ticket to summiting life's peaks, and then you find there are many, many more summits to explore.
Our guest today has taken many treks throughout his life, and continues to do so both metaphorically and also on the real rocks around the world. Andy Bailey is an entrepreneur, business coach, writer, and public speaker. Andy learned how to build great organizations by building a great business, which he started in college then, grew into an Inc. 500 multi-million dollar national company that he successfully sold and exited. He then founded Petra to pass on to other entrepreneurs, business owners and leaders the principles and practices he used to build his successful enterprise, which are rooted in the Rockefeller Habits methodology
In this episode we discuss topics like Andy's entrepreneurial origins, his revelations of what wealth means in his life, how discovering clarity is the gateway to growth in life and business, and much more. Check out the show notes to learn more about the work Andy and his teams are doing in the world at Petra and beyond.
Andy's Bio:
In addition to building a successful company, Andy founded the Wireless Reseller Council and served as the regional membership director for the Entrepreneurs’ Organization East Region, encompassing 18 chapters in the eastern U.S. Recently he was named the new Membership Director for EO’s West Coast Region, and currently serves as president of the EO Nashville Chapter, named one of the fastest growing EO chapters in the world. He is a two-time finalist for Nashville Executive of the Year and has been honored as Nashville’s Volunteer of the Year.
More about Andy:
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