Becoming the master of your time and the creator of your experience


Your time can either be stretched and pulled by external forces, OR you can be the creator of it. We are clearly proponents of creating your time and putting your focus where it matters most. 

In this episode, Phil and Krista explore the transition away from "Going 100%, on 100% of things, 100% of the time" to more of a "pie chart" model where you start with 100%, and YOU decide what gets prioritized and when. With that level of intention, you can put your most important priorities first, bucket out enough space for big initiatives and consciously put other interests in the "not right now" bucket. We share stories and strategies for how we do this in our own lives as well as stories that we've picked up along the way from countless others. 

Ultimately, we want to answer "yes" to the question: "If you died tomorrow, would you be proud of the way you're living today?" By becoming the creator of your experience and the sole master of your time, you most certainly will always answer "yes" to that question.

Find out more about Owl & Key and Strategic Planning for Life:


How this global employee experience leader is unlocking new levels of wellbeing, creativity and potential with Liz Ference


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